Frontlines MOD


. [HER]Hajas Extreme Realism (even without Hardcore)
. Frontlines Damage Feedback (Pain Sounds, Blood, new explosions FX, etc...)
. Frontlines Last Stand
. Chopper auto config depending of the number of players
. New Tactical and Infantry Modes to Weapons Modes
. Option to turn off Hardpoints just in Weapons Modes
. Option to Create a Class ingame without the need to disconnect (take effect in the next map)
. Show icons to VIP, Commander and Bomber in the scoreboard
. Anti-Camping counting in Prematch period was removed
. Anti-Camping new intelligent treatment about vertical move
. Anti-Camping option to punish the player with points loss aside the self suicide
. Option to disable the KILL icon in Sabotage
. Option to disable all 3D icon or choose their size ingame
. Fast way to Record demos ingame
. Progress bars moved to a better place
. Auto-Balance and Change Classes Messages are now smallers and in the bottom left
. Auto-Assign master list - list with who can choose the team even with AA on
. FIXED Bug : When duel was brupted interrupted was causing bad behavior in next round
. FIXED Bug : Original Roundlimit bug fixed

Просмотров: 529 | Добавил: TIHAR |  Рейтинг: 0.0/0                     




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